Brightway has extended the business in mining industry including coal mining, gold mining and others after getting achievements in oil/gas drilling, HDD, CBM, Micro-tunneling industry.

To meet the demand from our client who has active gold mining business in Africa, Brightway designed a portable, practical and functional dewatering plant to achieve the aim of dewatering the gold mineral.

Main Equipment of 800GPM Dewatering Plant
2 Unit Shale Shaker, Model BWZS103K
1 Unit Desander, Model BWCSQ2S, with 2×10” Cyclones Cluster
1 Unit Desilter, Model BWCNQ12N, with 12×4” Cyclones Cluster
2 Unit Gravel Pump

Brightway Shale shaker BWZS103K

BWZS103K Shale shaker with Polyurethane screens

Brightway BWZS103K Shale shaker

Brigthway polyurethane shaker screen

Brigthway polyurethane shaker screen

Brigthway polyurethane shaker screen

Brightway Desander BWCSQ2S

Brightway Desander BWCSQ2S

Brightway Desander BWCSQ2S

Brightway Desilter BWCNQ12N

Brightway Desilter BWCNQ12N

Brightway Desilter BWCNQ12N

Brightway Gravel Pump

Brightway Gravel Pump

Brightway Gravel Pump

Brightway has developed dewatering equipment especially for mining industry. For example, the BWZS103K shale shaker can be used to separate water with big solids and the working life of our polyurethane shaker screens can be 6 month or even 12 month. And the gravel pump can process water with very big solids like 50mm diameter. In mining industry, the solid phrases are generally bigger than oil/gas drilling industry, for example 15mm or bigger.

All in all, Brightway’s instant research and development help us to provide a lot of customized system solutions for clients with various demand worldwide.