In recent years, Brightway has been paying attention to oil drilling projects in Middle East. As a drilling rig mud system manufacturer, Brightway can customize ZJ30, ZJ40, ZJ50, ZJ70 and other drilling rig mud systems for customers with different requirements.

Brightway drilling mud system in Saudi Arabia

Brightway drilling mud system in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has the world’s largest oilfields. The oil fields are rich in reserves, especially in 2019, a 1-billion-ton oil field was discovered in the Riyadh Basin. Oil fields are known as a major national oil and gas exploration achievement and has made a major breakthrough in oil and gas exploration. .

Brightway is a manufacturer specializing in drilling rig mud equipment and complete systems. It has rich solid control equipment and solids control system production and application experience. It can develop and produce corresponding drilling solids control equipment and solids control systems according to different oilfield geological conditions. At present, the ZJ30-70 drilling rig solids control system of Brightway has been successfully applied in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries, helping achieve good economic benefits.

The core equipment in a drilling mud system--shale shaker

The core equipment in a drilling mud system–shale shaker

For the drilling and production of oil fields in Saudi Arabia, Brightway has delivered multiple sets of ZJ40-ZJ50 drilling rig mud systems for the area. Currently, Brightway is upgrading the traditional drilling rig mud system, simplifying unnecessary equipment, saving costs, and developing a new type of drilling rig mud system. In the future, more new drilling rig mud systems will be used in major oil fields around the world.